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Planning Board Minutes 1/12/12
Planning Board minutes Thursday January 12, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m.

Members present: Stephen Enoch, Maggie Leonard, and Larry Klein (arrived 7:30 p.m.)

Public present: Mike Parsons of Kelly, Granger and Parsons.  

Leonard and Enoch discussed the Pearl Realty Trust Form A submittal with Mike Parsons the surveyor.  Enoch stated that the board decided at the prior meeting that lots 1 and 2 cannot be built on until West Rd. and Maple St have been improved to a width of 20’ with 2’ wide shoulders and sufficient drainage. Parsons stated that he believes this is unduly harsh and that his client should be able to sell lot 2 without the upgrade. Enoch said that then it’s showing favoritism. Parsons reminded the board that his client was legally able to sell the lot now, as is without upgrading the road. Since there was not a quorum to vote on the plan Parsons agreed to return on January 26.

The board discussed sizes for cell tower compounds. Klein said that he did not want Monterey to have a zoning bylaw that would always require a variance with the current 25’ compound size requirement. Klein also stated that he doesn’t want Monterey to have a punitive attitude towards the telecommunication industry and force them to design small compounds. Leonard stated that she agreed with both those statements, but that the Planning Board also has a responsibility to the town to require certain standards for the compounds because, although at this point neither of the permitted cell tower compounds will be visible from the road or other residences, that could change. Enoch said that the board should neither be punitive towards industry nor overly permissive but should act independently in the best interests of the town. Leonard said she would bring information about other towns’ telecommunications bylaws compounds. Klein also added that in the future it may be possible to have smaller compounds with the advent of telescoping cell towers.

The board reviewed the revisions and options submitted by Mark Bobrowski on November 23rd draft of the zoning bylaw. We reviewed the definitions of “structure” and board members present agreed that the state definition was the one they favored, but that they would wait for more board members to be present to finalize the decision.

The board reviewed the Table of Use Regulations (11-23-11). On the table of Principal Use, A. Residential Uses the board noted that trailers were prohibited in all districts. The current zoning regulations allow trailers by special permit while a new home is under construction for temporary living quarters for 12 months as long as the applicant has a building permit.

On table B. Exempt and Institutional Uses, the board wondered what was meant by “Public Market” and also “Essential Services”.

On table D. Recreational Uses the board thought that it would be cool, however unlikely, to allow a golf course in the business district. Historically there was a golf course in the business district (before there was a business district). The board also questioned not allowing any private clubs in the Ag-Res or Lakeshore District since there is currently at least one private tennis club in Ag-Res. The board thought that it could be permitted with a special permit. Klein also mentioned that this might impact the Lake Garfield Association.

On table H. Motor Vehicle Related Uses the board wondered what “Salesroom for motor vehicles with no repair services except in a garage” means?

On table I. Light Manufacturing, Manufacturing, and Related Uses; the board reiterated the importance of making sure we don’t create problems for studio artists in town, such as jewelry makers, furniture makers, and basket weavers by not allowing light manufacturing in Ag-Res. Board members thought perhaps it should require a special permit. The board also questioned allowing Large Scale Photovoltaic Facilities by right in Ag-Res and the Business District.

On table J. Accessory Uses Klein requested that the word “Commercial” be added to the line with “Airstrip or helipad.”

The board briefly reviewed the requirement outlined for Loading Docks and decided not to add it to the revisions in the event that it might create unnecessary controversy over something that is relatively rare in town.

The board decided to wait for more members to make a plan for a public hearing.

The board opened the mail and reviewed the Special Permit application submitted by Dan Moriarty for his house at 14 Hebert’s Cove. Moriarty proposes to raise his house by two feet in order to get the structure above the 100-year flood plain. The board decided to wait for more board members to review the application at the January 26th meeting before taking a vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Submitted by Maggie Leonard